"The confusion of speaker cables..." > 자유게시판

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"The confusion of speaker cables..."

페이지 정보

작성자 8jmiul 댓글 0건 조회 1회 작성일 24-12-01 04:47


Good morning.


Good evening.

This is a scheduled post.

The Audio Accessories Encyclopedia has arrived.

By the way, the amp side is still using Audio-Technica's AT6302 banana plugs.

Yes, this is good.

It's a little softer. As expected, the high frequencies are softer.

I can't feel any change in other frequencies.

This is great!!

I thought, but...

It's not bad, but...

The memory of the sound of the Mogami3103 comes back to me. The memory of the sound of the comes back to me.

It's hard to put into words how different it is,

but it makes me feel uneasy...

"Go back to Mogami!!" I feel.

I feel that the Mogami3103 is better. I feel it better based on instinct, not logic.

Yes, I went back to Mogami3103.

Ah, a reassuring sound.

This seems to put an end to my wanderings about Aria speaker cables.

Now, as usual...

When I was younger, I thought, "Only civil servants get good salaries!"

I guess the Ishin Party is making great strides because so many people think that way...

In the end, the government offices are staffed by Pasona's temporary staff. It's completely profit-driven.


The delay in the transfer of Osaka's COVID-19 subsidies was also due to the Ishin Party's mistake of cutting civil servants too much.

The contractor was Pasona.

It's not cutting the budget in any way.

Moreover, the call center overcharged them...

Kinko Tsu was indicted,

but was Pasona indicted? ? ?

It is these people and the cult-possessed political parties that have increased the number of "non-regular" workers, not just civil servants, and plunged Japan into poverty.

Casinos, the World Expo, My Number cards, tax increases, constitutional revisions, etc. are being pushed by these people...

I think any sensible voter would understand,

I'd like to think so, but...

You can't vote for the wrong person.

See you again.

Thank you very much for always reading my trivial posts.



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